A curated brand of modern medium bodied cigar blends, crafted for a smooth and easy smoke.
León Jimenes
The new generation has arrived. León Jimenes draws on the expertise of the first Dominican cigar makers and reimagines it for today, resulting in a distinctly modern selection crafted for a smooth, easy smoke. Launched in 1987, this brand is a celebration of both La Aurora’s heritage and its next chapter as a true original.
La Aurora, the original hand-made cigar factory in Dominican Republic, celebrated its 110th anniversary with the E. Leon Jimenes 110 Anniversary Rum – a unique spirit with limited annual batch production.
E. Leon Jimenes Rum is a true ten-year aged Dominican rum made from pure sugar cane. Aged eight years in virgin American oak barrels and then finished an additional two years in French oak sherry tun.
Dark amber-colored, featuring flavor notes of honey, red fruits, vanilla and cocoa, this is a flavorsome and delicious spirit with a nuanced, depth of flavor. E. Leon Jimenes Rum is smooth, sophisticated and meant to be savored…
Whether sipped neat, on the rocks, or as a part of a reinvention of your favorite cocktail (think: Old Fashioned, Side Car, Sazerac, etc.) you will not be disappointed with this high-quality, small batch, crafted rum.
Tasting notes
“Cedar, wooden flavor and leather are the main aromas of the León Jimenes Prestige. Its Connecticut wrapper—light brown with very fine veins—provides a smoke with cocoa, wild fruits, herbal notes, and nuttiness at the end.”
“The thin equilibrium between sweetness and bitterness is what you’ll find in the León Jimenes Doble Maduro. The Cubra wrapper is pure chocolate, but within, you’ll notice deep tobacco aromas like cedar, leather cocoa, black pepper, and even citrus notes.”
"A smooth and quiet smoke. León Jimenes offers all the classic flavors of the Connecticut wrapper: Wood, cocoa, creamy, and nutty."
"The wrapper gives exceptional beauty to this cigar, characterized by the elegant power of cocoa and coffee notes. The Series 300 offers pleasant, earthy, nutty notes with hints of honey and spice and cinnamon aromas.”