León Jimenes Cigars are handcrafted by La Aurora Cigars, the first cigar factory in the Dominican Republic founded in 1903. The brand bears the family name of La Aurora’s founder, Eduardo Leon Jimenes to honor him, and his brother Herminio Leon Jimenes, the man that kept alive the Leon’s family legacy and tradition when Eduardo died in 1937. Leon Jimenes was introduced in 1953 with blends that characterized the preferences of initial of its founders.
León Jimenes
They make the filler using a well-aged recipe of Dominican long-leaf tobaccos grown in El Cibao—where the Dominican Republic’s most fertile valley exists. These meticulously constructed cigars result in a consistently flavorful, medium-bodied taste. If you like smooth and elegant smokes, you’ll love this blend. The pleasant aroma will enamor you and everyone around you. They are easy on the eyes and palate. Moreover, they are a perfect complement to a glass of sweet rum.
There are several blends under this cigar brand. If you prefer a leathery taste with fruity notes, León Jimenes Prestige is for you. If you prefer a woody taste with nutty notes, choose León Jimenes, Connecticut. For an aged and fuller cigar, select León Jimenes 300 Series. For an even fuller and more aged cigar, choose León Jimenes, Doble Maduro.